For many years, the Student Union of the Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad has been actively involved in raising the level of student organization and the quality of non-formal education. SUFTN is a member of the Union of Student Organizations of the University of Novi Sad, and therefore a member of the Student Union of Serbia, which is a member of the European Student Union and MedNet (Mediterranean Student Network). Through its work, the Union has developed cooperation with many professional organizations such as the Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia - ACES, Startit Center, DAFED, SartIT as well as with other student organizations. Throughout its existence, it has organized various professional meetings, workshops, conferences, congresses, lectures and forums.
Međunarodna konferencija studenata građevinarstva, geodezije i arhitekture CoNStruction 21 je projekat Studentske unije Fakulteta tehničkih nauka Novi Sad koji se održava po šesti put, ove godine od 11. do 15. novembra. Projekat se realizuje u partnerstvu sa the Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning and Department of Automation, Geomatics and Management. As of this year, the area covered by CoNStruction has been expanded to include architecture and geodesy.